Wednesday, May 25, 2011

CCSVI-Tracking Site

Have you gone to the site recently?  While the data keeps adding up as the monthly reports are entered, the number of new participants has leveled off.  Have you been liberated, or do you know someone else who has been, but isn't a member of CCSVI tracking?  Please convince them to join and begin entering their data (even if they have to go back to remember what their symptoms were at various times after the procedure), because it is the only international, long-term tracking of a large number of patients with publicly available results. Please, do it NOW!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for all of the information about CCSVI. I am a professional that works with individuals with MS and I like to hear about different people's experiences with this new therapy.
    I actually work for a program called Conductive Education through March of Dimes Canada. We are an educational approach to rehabilitation for individuals with neurologically based motor disorders. Some of my participants have had the CCSVI treatment and find that following with Conductive Education services was beneficial. If you or anyone you know might like some information on this program please check out our website at: or email me at
