Thursday, December 30, 2010

Chiropractic and neurodegenerative diseases

My friend Shelley has sent me the link to a blog of a chiropractic doctor who is now retired but who has spent many decades studying the possible anatomical causes of Alzheimer, Parkinson's and MS.  He has written some articles on the matter and, most recently, a book on his findings and theories (The Downside of Upright Posture: The Anatomical Causes of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Multiple Sclerosis, Two Harbours Press).  In his blog, Dr. Flanagan also discusses possible relationships between his findings and the CCSVI theory.

I find this interesting, in part because my MS symptoms started four months after a severe body-surfing injury to my shoulder and neck in Thailand... and many others with MS seem to have similar stories.


  1. Many conditions and diseases improve with chiropractic care, but chiropractic doesn’t “cure” anything.
    Health is normal. If you're not healthy, something is interfering with this normal state. The only thing that doctors of any type can do is to remove interferences that may be preventing your body from expressing your normal health or mask symptoms (pain) with drugs.
    A chiropractor’s focus is on your nervous system, which controls and regulates every aspect of your body. Restoring better brain/body communications allows a more normal expression of health. The fact that your illness may improve in the process is an expression of better nervous system control of your body.
    Chiropractic doesn't cure anything. Only your body can do that –if there isn't any interference!

  2. Chiropractic care has recently become extremely popular. News blogs are talking about it, offices are opening in all the cities. Not only has it becoming popular, but in an economy that is practically bleeding, it has remained on top. Because it works! Chiropractic care is not a push for doctors to have more money. That's what the drug industry is for. Chiropractic care is men and women who genuinely care about the health of their patients and make it their personal responsibility to see to it.
