Thursday, June 10, 2010

Too much wine?

I'm at the cottage again, up here to meet my cousin who, together with two friends, is continuing his annual (almost annual, except when health problems get in the way) coast to coast odyssey.  They started from Vancouver about five years ago and this year they are doing the Montreal to Halifax segment.  We put away a LOT of wine last night and today many of my MS symptoms were as bad as they had been before liberation, except that I don't feel the fatigue at all.  I hope this only means that I need to practice moderation, because I would hate to think that I would have to give up wine in order to maintain my liberation benefits!


  1. Hi Ted,

    A while back Facebook reminded me it was stefan's birthday, I sent him a happy birthday message, found out you also had a profile, and from there I found your blog.

    I'm so happy you have seen positive results from the treatment, and I hope there is nothing but good news a year from now.

    You may have seen this already, but a note on CCSVI research from CBC. Some relevant links in the sidebar too.

    - Francis

  2. Rule #1: There is no such thing as "too much wine."

    Keep that in mind, Ted.

    Kevin (dodgeviper on TiMS)
