Friday, February 11, 2011

CCSVI Testing (Doppler ultrasound) for Maritimers

My friend Ann, who has been liberated but is not seeing benefits, just sent me this message:
Hi Ted,   I didn't know if you had heard about this.   Eastern Maine Medical Center (EMMC) is taking bookings for Doppler ultrasounds.   Bangor Maine.   I have heard it is $225.00 and follows Zamboni Protocol.   Call Sandy  (207)973-7471 for appt. The guy I know is going Feb 25 for his appt.    I will probably look into this as a check...
I would appreciate hearing if these people have been trained to recognize CCSVI by someone knowledgeable, or did they just learn it "out of a book"?


  1. Hi Ann, Ted,
    I have an appt scheduled on th 21st at the Vascular clinic in Albany NY, cost 257.00usd
