Monday, March 7, 2011

Liberated MSer gets follow-up in Maine

Here is a report from someone who talked to John, a New Brunswicker who had been liberated in Rhode Island and who was getting his follow-up done at EMMC in Bangor, Maine:
He went 2 weeks ago to the Maine Medical Center. In the beginning, John's left jugular was blocked it is still clear; the right jugular was blocked has restenosed to 85%. They did the color Doppler Ultrasound. They also picked up a growth in the thyroid..left side. He has an appointment with doctor to see what needs to be done with this. John had his procedure done in Rhode lsland on Nov 18-10. He is feeling quite a lot better, but feels that probably some symptoms he is still feeling could be caused by this growth in the thyroid. John highly recommends the Maine clinic, he said that Sandy-who provides information and Chris-who is the technician, are both very informative and pleasant people to be working with you.
Sounds like this may be a worthwhile place for Atlantic Canadians to go for follow-up.

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