I may not have time to work on this tonight and will be away on the weekend, so here are a few of the web-sites and discussion groups I found useful/interesting. There are more, as I say below, but maybe I'll add them later... or readers will share theirs with me. I'll probably put them on a special page, once I learn how to do it.
- http://www.thisisms.com/ftopic-8585-45.html - Discussion forum about CCSVI and Dr. Simka’s work starting in October, 09. Includes info from past and prospective patients.
- http://csvi-ms.net/en/category/content/medizin/behandlung-ccsvi - CCSVI assessment and treatment in Italy and Poland.
- http://www.thisisms.com/ftopic-8940-days0-orderasc-0.html - Assessment and treatment of CCSVI in Paris.
- http://www.thisisms.com/ftopic-8674-days0-orderasc-15.html - Specific details about travel to Dr. Simka's clinics in Poland.
- http://www.thisisms.com/ftopic-8585-0.html - More about Simka’s team as well as some travel advice for someone going to Poland for assessment/treatment.
- http://medicalmyths.wordpress.com/ - A virulent naysayer (Colin Rose) about CCSVI and the liberation treatment. Unfortunately, he is so virulent that most of his arguments come out as BS. There were responses from CCSVI believers that pointed out some of the weaknesses in his own argument, but on a second trip to the site, I couldn’t find them (?).
- http://strona.simka.nazwa.pl/multiple-sclerosis.html - Web site of the clinic that Dr. Simka works in, this is the page that focuses on the MS work of Simka’s team. Much of the rest of the site (such as where it’s located) is in Polish unfortunately, so far.
- http://www.direct-ms.org/magazines/Embry%20NP%20CCSVI%20and%20MS%2009.pdf – Lay-person’s explanation of Zamboni’s findings
- http://www.stumbleupon.com/stumbler/squiffy2/tag/ccsvi/ - Zamboni’s earlier paper, a bit hard for a lay person, but still intelligible.
- http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=131482162210 – Bologna conference on CCSVI and the Liberation Treatment held in early September, appears to be notes by a lay person attending the conference. Note the excitement of the doctors involved.
- http://www.fondazionehilarescere.org/eng/hil_risponde.html - The foundation that funded Dr. Zamboni’s research, will soon include “testimonials” from people who have received the liberation treatment .
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