Wednesday, March 29, 2017


My last MRI showed more plaques and a shrinking hypothalamus. Not good news, but not surprising.

My mobility is quite obviously getting worse: mostly because of the weakness in my left leg and arm. Except for really short distances where I use my poles or a cane and someone's arm, I am only able to get around on my small scooter  (EV Rider Transport) which I use in the apartment and to the YMCA and in malls/restaurants, etc. I would recommend this to anyone that still has balance and enough strength to transfer yourself to chairs and so on.

My pain continues, especially in my left hip. Since my back surgery over two years ago, my sciatic pain continues to to be almost non-existent. Lower back pain, however, continues to get worse due to my osteoarthritis.

Pain is also the reason that my stomach is often upset. For pain I take neuro pain killer, Tylenol, marijuana and whiskey. Usually they work well enough to allow me to fall asleep. I would like to use less whiskey because it causes a poorer night's sleep... but that is still better than falling asleep at all.

My night spasms are almost gone: Baclofen and marijuana takes care of that. I rarely nap during the day any longer and seem to have more energy during the day. That may be because of the Modafinil I'm now taking.

I still do some exercises (when I'm not feeling lousy), either at physio, the pool, or at home.

But the real change for me is that my kids have both moved back into town from overseas AND I have a beautiful 9 month old granddaughter who has greatly increased the joy in my life. Pain or stomach upset, it doesn't matter... all I have to is think of her and my day feels so much better. I would recommend it to anyone!